Whipperley Infant Academy School

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Whipperley Infant Academy ‘Learning, Growing, Together’

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 

Welcome to all the children and their families to Year 2. We look forward to working with you this year! Here are the classes: 


Comet Class -Parveen, Salma,


Pluto Class - Siobhan, Tracy J,                                Eniola, Clare

Orion Class - Ben, Deborah 



Please see attached what your children have been learning this Autumn 2 2023 term.


PE days are Wednesday and Friday.  Children must arrive at school in their PE kits on these days.

Home Learning

Home learning books will be given out on a Friday. This year we are handing the books out weekly for your child to complete their homework. Please can you hand it back in every Thursday. If you have any questions please speak to your child's class Teacher.



Spellings will also be given out each Friday and children will be assessed on their understanding of these weekly. Please return spelling books every Thursday so the new spellings can be put in the books.


Reading Books

Children are given a reading book appropriate to their level and they need to read daily to an adult at home. Reading books need to be in school every day so the teacher can check them. 

On Wednesday 29th November, Author, Illustrator and Artist Christopher Wormell will be visiting Whipperley Academy. He will be sharing some of his books with the children and also he will be holding workshops with each class in each year group. Have a read and listen to some of his books below.

George and the Dragon

Chris Wormell reads his book George and The Dragon.

Two Frogs by Christopher Wormell

Two frogs are sitting on a lily pad and one of them has a stick. The stick, he says, is to beat off the dog. But there is no dog -- yet. So begin the trials of this hapless pair whose adventures build to a brilliant conclusion.

Storytime: Puff-Puff, Chugga-Chugga by Christopher Wormell

Today I will read the book, Puff-Puff, Chugga-Chugga by Christopher Wormell.

Any questions?

Please use this contact form for general enquiries about the learning. Please make sure you include your child's name and class.

Parent Support Ideas