Whipperley Infant Academy School

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Whipperley Infant Academy ‘Learning, Growing, Together’

Basic Skills Quality Mark

The Basis Skills Quality Mark is an award that celebrates and supports continuous improvement in literacy and numeracy. It is awarded to a setting or school to recognise their provision, practice and performance in literacy and numeracy, and is valid for three years. A school or setting must demonstrate a whole school approach to improving standards in literacy and numeracy, with evidence of the impact of its approaches. 

In November 2022  Whipperley Infant Academy were once again awarded the Basic Skills Quality mark for their continued endeavours to ensure that the core skills of Literacy and Numeracy are pushing up standards across the school


"There are rigorous and thorough procedures used by the school to monitor its progress and performance in basic skills. They are regularly discussed at staff meetings and in year group briefings. The school, seeks external advice and confirmation of its progress, such as termly visits from a SIP and other external consultants. The curriculum update for governors is particularly detailed and includes photographic evidence of learning activities and outcomes, ensuring that the information is readily accessible to all.

Whipperley Infant Academy continues to meet all of the standards required for the Basic Skills Quality Mark at a very high level."   Basic Skills Assessor March
