Whipperley Infant Academy School

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Whipperley Infant Academy ‘Learning, Growing, Together’


Whipperley Infant Academy 

Start time: 8.30a.m.

Finish time: 3.05p.m.


Attendance and Punctuality

At Whipperley Infant Academy we have high expectations for every pupil's attendance at school.  Punctual and regular attendance is an essential requirement for successful learning from the very first day a child starts school.

It is a legal requirement for parents/carers to ensure that their child attends school regularly and punctually.

There is a wealth of research showing that children with excellent attendance make better progress at all stages of their education than those with poor attendance. 90% attendance may sound good, but it is worth remembering that a child with 90% for the whole year will actually have missed nearly 4 weeks of school! 



Holidays during school time

You MUST demonstrate your commitment to your child’s education by not taking holidays during term time. Any child or young person who is absent from school due to a holiday will miss out on important learning and will fall behind with their school work. In each Academic Year there are only a maximum of 190 statutory school days – this allows plenty of time for holidays to be arranged outside term time. Holidays taken during term time will be categorised as an unauthorised absence. Parents who take holidays during term time will be fined.  The cost is £80.00 per parent per child and if this is not paid within 21 days this increases to £160.00.  Please click here for more information regarding penalty notice. If you have already been fined in an academic year the school can not fine parents again but will issue court proceedings under Section 444 of the Education act.


What are the rules around taking children out of school during term time? We are not able to authorise term time leave for children unless in exceptional circumstances.  All requests for leave must be made in writing in advance by the parent or    carer to the headteacher using the school’s Leave of Absence form.  Holidays, trips abroad to visit relatives and family events do not qualify as exceptional circumstances. 

Absence due to sickness – other illnesses

If your child is absent due to an illness you must contact the school on 01582 725868 and press option 1 with a reason for this absence.  If parents do not contact the school we will contact you by phone and text.  If no contact is made a home visit may be carried out by the Family Worker and Attendance Officer.


What are the expectations in terms of attendance at Whipperley Infant Academy. We expect all children to attend school every day.  Children should only be absent if they are too ill to attend.  Mild symptoms, such as a runny nose or stomach discomfort should not prevent your child from attending school.  A recent letter, published by the DfE and with advice from England’s chief medical officer, stated: “It is usually appropriate for parents and carers to send their children to school with mild respiratory illnesses. This would include general cold symptoms: a minor cough, runny nose or sore throat.” You can read the full letter here: Letter to school leaders on mild illness and school attendance


Dental and medical appointments

We ask that you please make every effort to avoid booking medical and dental appointments during school time. Where this is unavoidable, due to hospital/ medical appointments, parents must show the appointment letter/card to the office. Please also let the office know prior to the appointment to allow time for your child to be collected from their classroom. We would like to make parents aware the registration takes place twice a day, once in the morning and then in the afternoon. Therefore,  every session is counted towards your child’s overall attendance percentage.


Leaving Whipperley Infant Academy / Farley Junior School

We are always sad to say goodbye to our pupils.  If your child is leaving our school because you are relocating or they are changing schools, please inform us. 

We will need your new address and the details of the new school including  address and start date.  This safeguarding procedure means that we know that your child is still in education, safe and well. 



If your child is going to be late for school you must go to the main school office and sign them in.  Please remember that if your child is late after a certain period of time this is classed as an unauthorised absence and they will miss their morning attendance mark.


Home time

Please ensure the collection of your child is on time as children could feel upset and feel  very distressed. If for any reason you are not able to collect your child on time please contact the school so we can reassure your child you are on your way.


Cheryl Kelly (Attendance) and Nicola O’Callaghan (Family Worker) are happy to work with children and families to improve attendance and punctuality.  Please come and see us if you have any concerns.


Promoting Attendance and Support

We believe that working together with parents is the best way to result in positive attendance outcomes for children.

To promote good attendance at Whipperley each week we hold an attendance assembly and the class with the best attendance have the year group teddy in their classroom for the week

   Each term children with 100% will receive a 100% gold badge.  



Each week if your child's class has reached 100%.  The class will receive a special 100% attendance certificate.



Each week if your child has reached 100% they will receive a special 100% certificate for great attendance.  



On the last day of each month we will look back on attendance and compare from the previous months attendance and see who has improved.  All those children whose attendance has improved in that month will get a special improved attendance sticker.  


At the end of the year the children with 100% attendance will be invited out for a special breakfast at a restaurant.
