Whipperley Infant Academy School

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Whipperley Infant Academy ‘Learning, Growing, Together’


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100% attendance celebration at Luton Brache, Osborne Road, Luton

On Tuesday 12th December 2023 we hosted a Pop-up Dentist in the Children Centre. The clinic was organised by Luton Council’s Public Health team and is supported by Luton Council, in partnership with Flying Start, Early Years Alliance and Obex Dental. This was an opportunity for children who may have never previously seen a dentist due to the pandemic to receive a fluoride treatment, register with Obex Dental and learn more about dental health. The clinic also provided education about oral hygiene by engaging the children in fun activities and storytelling themed around dental health. Attendees were also shown what foods and drinks have high sugar content, and therefore detrimental to oral health, especially in children. This was a huge success with 148 children attending and over 100 receiving fluoride treatment.

Year 1 & 2 recently visited the Methodist Church in North Drift Way. They sang some songs and then had the opportunity to have a look around the church by Ros Hancock, Circuit Lay Worker. We invited Ros to come to Whipperley to talk to year 1 children about the signs of Christmas.

Whipperley Infant Academy display 2023

Year 1 Home learning

Christmas tree time

All children had the pleasure of watching a performance of "Robin Hood". There was the Sherrif of Nottingham, Maid Marian, Robin Hood and Friar Tuck. There was lots of booing, hissing and cheering from the children and they joined in singing the songs and dancing in the aisles. There was even teacher participation from Ben and Daniyah which the children absolutely loved. Another great pantomime was enjoyed by all! "Robin Hood, Robin Hood riding through the glen, Robin Hood, Robin Hood with his band of men"

Year 2 boards
