If you would like to purchase school uniform please click on the link below
Please click here to access the Price & Buckland website
Blue School jumper - £10.50
Girls Blue School cardigan £11.75
White shirt or
Logo Jersey tee shirt - £9.00
Black shoes
Dark grey skirt or dark grey school trousers/jogging bottoms in dark grey/black
Summer blue check dress
Blue school book bag - £5.00
PE Kit - £13.00
White tee shirt
Blue shorts
Trainers or plimsolls
Please make sure you order the correct size. Samples are available from the school office
Delivery is made FREE OF CHARGE direct to the school on the second Monday of every month or delivery can be sent to a personal address within 5 working days for £2.95
There is no expectation for children to wear branded jersey t-shirts or branded school jumper. Most children like to have a school jumper but a plain navy sweatshirt is perfectly acceptable.
Second hand uniform can be found at the uniform exchange in The Point Luton, formally The Mall. This facility supports families across Luton. Details can be found here.
If you need help sourcing school uniform please don't hesitate in contacting the school office.