Coffee Mornings - Fortnightly
Every other Tuesday and Friday the staff at Whipperley and Farley invite you, our parents to a coffee morning to learn about some aspect of education or care that could benefit their child. We have explored a number of topics including;
Look out in our newsletter for details of our next coffee morning and if you have any ideas on what we should discuss please let us know.
Curriculum Family Workshops -Termly 3.30pm to 4.30pm
Each term we organise an exciting and interactive workshop for your children and yourselves to come and enjoy after school. These are held in the school hall and allow families to explore a number of activities around a theme. These have included;
Look out in the newsletter for our next workshop.
Meet the teacher and information sessions:
Each Autumn term your child's class teacher will host an information event for you after school to look at expectations and answer any queries about home learning. physical education or anything you need to know about. Then during the year look out for invites to information sessions on phonics, maths, literacy etc which will support you to help your child at home.
Developing your skills
Would you like to take some qualifications? Do you dream of working in a school? Would you like to develop your English skills? Can't do maths but want to learn?
In Luton we are lucky to have access to a number of adult learning courses. If you are interested in learning new skills come and speak to am member of staff and we can help you on your learning journey.
"I started by volunteering at the school then I did a level 2 & 3 in childcare and I have just started my degree. I can't believe that after years of not working I would be a student." Fahima