Welcome to Year 2! We are excited to work with all the children and families this year.
Year 2 Team
Orion Class – Maisha & Deborah
Pluto Class – Sara & Angela
Comet Class – Catherine & Katarina
Additional adults working across our three classes:
Saika, Layla, and Xhanina.
PE Days
PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Children must arrive at school in their PE kits on these days.
Home Learning
Home learning books will be distributed on Fridays. This year, we will be giving out the books weekly for your child to complete their homework. Please make sure to return the books every Wednesday. If you have any questions, please approach your child's class teacher.
Reading Books
Children are given a reading book appropriate to their level and they need to read daily to an adult at home. Reading books and reading records need to be in school every day so the teacher can check them.
Please use this contact form for general enquiries about the learning. Please make sure you include your child's name and class.