Whipperley Infant Academy School

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Whipperley Infant Academy ‘Learning, Growing, Together’


Special Educational Needs Policies and Inclusion

At Whipperley Infant Academy we believe in achievement, ambition and progress for all children. We aim to meet the needs of individual children through highly effective teaching and learning. There is an emphasis on early identification of needs through supportive and preventative strategies which reduce barriers to learning. We work in a flexible way to develop effective partnerships with children and their parents/carers. We work closely with a range of external professionals such as speech and language therapists, educational psychologists, occupational therapists and child and adolescent health services (CAMHS) to ensure that the school can meet a broad range of special educational needs.  


Our SENCO's are April Hurp and Elle Paschali.  If you have any concerns or wish to discuss your child's needs she can be contacted on 01582 725868

SEND & Inclusion Policy

SEND Information report

Accessibility Plan
