Below is links to all the information that the academy is required to publish under DFE guidelines:
Assessment and Performance tables
Equality Objectives and Policy
Governors and Trustees information
Annual Reports and Accounts
Whipperley Academy Trust is an independent charitable company and a central government public sector body. The Trustees and Governors of the academy are subject to public standards of accountability. The Department for Education is the principal regulator of academies and is responsible for overseeing their compliance with the financial accountability framework and with charity law.
The trustees of Whipperley Academy Trust are required to;
· prepare an annual report and financial statements to 31 August each year.
· have these accounts audited annually by independent registered auditors
· produce a statement of regularity, propriety and compliance and obtain a regularity assurance report on this statement from the auditor
· submit the audited accounts and auditor’s regularity assurance report to the ESFA by 31 December
· file the annual accounts with the Companies Registrar as required under the Companies Act 2006
· publish the annual audited accounts on the trust’s website by 31 January
Here you can find our current and past Annual Reports and Financial Statements
Latest Financial Reports - Please click