Whipperley Infant Academy School

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Whipperley Infant Academy ‘Learning, Growing, Together’

Coffee Mornings

Our coffee mornings are very important to the school and our parents.  This is where we come together over a coffee and catch up and discuss what is going on in our school and the area where we live. 

We also have professionals that come into our school to chat to parents this could be Dayo Kuku who is the Childrens and young peoples asthma lead at Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Health and Care Partnership or Amreen-Ul Rashid and Alice from Luton CAMHS to talk to us about children’s mental health.  We have also had a parent who is a florist and taught parents how to make a flower arrangement for mother's day.


Please see information and dates for our coffee mornings:-



Speech and Language coffee morning on Tuesday 18th June 2024, 9.00-10.00am in the main school hall. Parents are invited to attend.

Thank you to all our parents, children and staff for your kind donations for our MacMillan coffee morning. We raised a total of £176.10
